Apr 13, 2023Liked by Asha Rangappa

Thank you for considering my question. I find the unprecedented manipulation we are experiencing these days to be important. And I'm looking for answers wherever I can. Thank you for having me here.

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That photo of you with the captain reminds me of a time when I was in New York wrangling some unicorns at some deep-state function; I made my way to the back of the house and there stood their goddess. She put one of those paper bracelets on my wrist and it gave me special powers: I could drink beer all night and it didn’t cost a dime.

*yes, I always tipped the bar tender

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The Newshour is giving some national coverage to the "deep fake" active shooter reports that are happening all over the country. I don't think many media outlets are yet grasping what a profound security threat this is.


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