
Class 38. Know It When You Hear It

How to recognize fascist rhetoric and its manipulative effects.

We had a fantastic discussion yesterday with Texas A&M Professor Jennifer Mercieca, author of Demagogue for President: The Rhetorical Genius of Donald Trump. Professor Mercieca went through the six rhetorical devices that Trump uses to bond himself with his followers, and to make them disconnect and separate from their fellow citizens. We also discussed the “authoritarian personality,” and how Trump’s rhetoric resonates especially with people with this mindset.

Finally, Professor Mercieca named the rhetorical devices that are used to foster moral disengagement — rationalization strategies that allow individuals to distance themselves from the moral effects of their actions and beliefs.

Before you listen, want to find out if you have an authoritarian mindset? Take the quiz here.

Other articles and resources mentioned in the discussion:

Finally, here are the rhetorical terms that correspond with the eight forms of moral disengagement that I covered in Class 37.:

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