Dec 2, 2023Liked by Asha Rangappa

Loved the roundup and have the deepest respect for Judge Chutkin. Thanks for all you do to keep us informed and to simplify the hard stuff.

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Dec 2, 2023Liked by Asha Rangappa

For the Dec Happy Hour, anyone who says the “T” word should have to take a drink 😆

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Dec 2, 2023Liked by Asha Rangappa

Good post! Only one quibble: Trump was hoisted by his own petard, not “hosted” by it as you wrote.

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Thanks for catching the typo!

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Dec 2, 2023Liked by Asha Rangappa

My brain translated so I didn't see it. But, my brain also imagined an image of him being "hosted" by his own petard. But I can't draw so that was the end of it.

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Dear Asha,

Words only meagerly convey my deep satisfaction at seeing trump benchslapped, wait for it, twice!! Your analysis is spot on and only makes me love you more. We all need to remember these moments moving forward when all seems lost, when we may doubt that trump will be held accountable. While we sometimes may despair and think about going out to barrooms and drinking till we can’t move or (persist the thought), or go out and smoke cigarettes (I love this vision of yours, what people feeling desperate do), instead of all that, cognitive therapy now repeat to ourselves five times out loud, 3 times daily “trump got benchslapped. , twice”.

Big Hugs for all you do for helping to maintain Rule of Law, Freedom, Democracy, for keeping our eyes on the prize. When I stop to think about all of your essays, making graphs, citing laws and precedents, and realize the enormous mind you have, thinking about it first, then typing it out, checking whatever you need to for past legal decisions, I just love your mind, and the soul that makes it all work and come together each day, week, and I’ve seen you on the spot too, being asked a question on cnn and you articulate a well thought out and mentally organized response. I am in awe of your brain, and I deeply appreciate you and your work.


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"Chutkan notes that the various procedural safeguards at every stage of the criminal justice system, unlike in a civil context, protect a putative presidential defendant from frivolous or politically-motivated prosecutions." My favorite, too. How do you suppose she expressed her pleasure at being able to write this, while doing so? A quiet smile? A chuckle? A feeling of "gotcha?" Did her clerks gather round for a rousing cheer?

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Dec 2, 2023Liked by Asha Rangappa

Thank you for the double-benchslap summary. Very clear.

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Trump’s fascist strategies must be stopped by the courts and be viewed as unacceptable by the American public! We cannot have a dictator!

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..<><> .. Ms.Asha how is Your ( Holiday) Christmas shopping doing with such a busy schedule You carry.

Anywhosies I hope You find the time to enjoy the Christmas ⛄ Spirit.....thanks for sharing Your concerns with the on going BS with Trump & Company..<><>,




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My good friends are from nepal. My aunts husband is Punjabi For.many reasons including those , the affairs of that area of the world hold a deep fascination for me. My perceptions of nepal, India, Pakistan etc are not how my friends describe them. There reverence for China as.opposed to India stuns me, but then again I know.nothing of there politics other than a deep love.of ghandi,.and.civil rights. Great roundup.

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