Good to hear your level-headed reasoning from the news (I watch only Netflix on my telly). And I look forward to a deeper dive from you and Renato. Very interesting times indeed and all is recorded and revealed by so many media sources. On to 2024 with all best wishes.

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Dec 30, 2023Liked by Asha Rangappa

I hope you're having a great ski weekend! Killington, by any chance?

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Go say hi to one of the Ambassadors in the green coats. I'm one of them, but home today. Have fun!

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I preferred Stowe when I used to ski, and the Mount Snow bunny slopes when I brought along beginners. Have you tried the Alps?

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Dec 30, 2023Liked by Asha Rangappa

I already ordered a T that says: Biden wins Maine!

This one: t.co/gkLHgabQRY


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Prof Rangappa- I’ll bet you enjoyed your Killington skiing holiday. A good chance to unwind I’m sure! You have a lot of irons in the fire....enjoy the downtime.... Cheers!

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Trust you are enjoying a good glass of wine in front of a fireplace. Wish you a good day on the slopes tomorrow…. 🍷🔥⛷️

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Dec 30, 2023Liked by Asha Rangappa

62 court cases, not 60, but I niggle. One of the effects of all this Trumpian drama is that by comparison a truly meritless, Koch-network owned and operated weathervane politician like Nikki Haley, who can't even tell the truth about the Civil War in front of a New Hampshire audience, looks like a lesser evil. From Nixon till today the GOP has found no strategy more successful than an appeal to racism, which of course Trump capitalized on, and which clearly won't change even if Haley or DeSantis suddenly and miraculously surge. At this pace I don't see Trump facing a threat of consequences for the insurrection before 2026, if then, but the creation of social division by an appeal to racism that has been core GOP strategy since Nixon is clearly not going to change, Trump or no Trump. The GOP is not about to stop marching us toward white supremacist Christo-fascism whoever they put on the ballot because it's clear that from now forward only the most dispicable, dangerous and anti-democratic individuals will ever get through their primary process. So even if this time we dodge getting Mar-a-lago Mussolini back in office, we aren't going to see the GOP suddenly change their tactics and their aims, or see the American electorate suddenly get smarter and more discerning in their choice of leaders. Trump's behavior has become normalized, expected, in fact required of any future GOP candidate. This nightmare will not end in 2024.

Happy New Year!

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Spent lots of time skiing Killington.... loved Outer Limits! Enjoy!!!

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Enjoy Vermont Dear Asha!! I grew up in Massachusetts yet Vermont is the most beautiful New England state.

Trump has his tools already compiling a series of changes he plans to execute on day one (he is assuming he wins). Talk about Orwellian, and they are, firing anyone in the federal government critical of him, making Freedom of Speech and of Expression no longer sacrosanct, reducing rights we have had in our US Constitution illegal by his executive writ. Some of this has been written about but who the heck knows what stuff he is holding back. Till his dictator for a day boast comes into play. He is publicly saying he plans to be dictator “just for a day, on day one” as it he thinks most Americans will grudgingly accept it if not wildly and enthusiastically embrace it. However those of us with memory will remember how capricious he changes his mind. Needless to say trump must be stopped, by any legal means. This is how I first learned there was a sharp as a tack legal scholar named Asha Rangappa in 2017. I’ve been glued to all things Asha Rangappa since then with zero regrets and a 1000 % enthusiastic support. Those of us who care to maintain our Constitutional Rights, Freedom, Democracy, and Rule of Law must prevail in 2024 across the board. Happy New Year!!

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