For me, the biggest mistake CNN made is the audience. Whatever their reasoning behind scheduling such a thing, if they thought they could add legitimacy by having Kaitlin Collins challenge his statements, they undermined her and any claim to a news event by filling the audience with his supporters. It was an insult to the news division, if there’s one left there, and voters. If Anderson Cooper believed what he said, he needs to get out of his silo. I wish networks were required to post a label on their shows as to whether it is supposed to be news or entertainment. This particular event though had no value as either.

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It was an insult on steroids! Kaitlan didn’t have a chance battling Trump and his cult in the audience! Dear Anderson, I keep up with several news sources and don’t live in a silo, thank you. Neither do I live in a MAGA bubble!

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Really, reallly well said. I completely agree. I haven't watched CNN since I'm so pissed.

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Well said!

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Yes. I agree. Not only with AR (can't wait to listen to the podcast with RM) but with the idea that, to have "stacked" the audience was telling. It deliberately skewed the response to someone like Trump. I mean, what's "both sides" about that? filling a place with noththing but agreement? Isn't that a bone of contention?

It could be that it was required by Trump and his GOP backers, but what does that say about CNN? Would other News sources agree to such restrictions (Serious question)? If so isn't it throwing their interviewers under the bus? Subjecting them to a rigged event? How much real information would that produce? It's only goal seems to be ratings and as AR clearly analyzes, that's not how it seems to work.

Although most of us can understand Coopers point, it is still equally necessary to question all of it.

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I think it probably was a Trump condition, but CNN knew that just created an echo chamber that would encourage outrageous behavior. Stuff like this reduces politics to the “rasslin’” tv shows of my youth that were obviously fake but many were sure were real. Podcasts seem to be a better place today for discussions than tv with Asha and Renato having one of the better ones. Thanks Asha!

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Well said! And a decent question.

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Sorry Anderson. I’m not in a silo, but like Asha I choose not to spend 70 minutes of my life watching that deplorable piece of garbage spew his vile toxic BS while a friendly crowd cheers him on. Love the pic of you and your mom - I have a picture of my son making the same face! 😆

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Happy Mother’s Day and thanks for all your work in the service of democracy! You look so much like your Mom! Great photo.

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I will definitely be tuning in to my first Wine & Fries on May 21st. Looking forward to hearing from Elie Mystal. However, it's a school night for me, so no Cab Franc. Just a hazy IPA.

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Asha - love the pic of you and your mama! You have her smile. Not in that pic, but for sure now.

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Your mother is beautiful. You look just like her.

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I had the same thought.

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I just saw an ad paid by Trump on CNN; against DeSantis. Licht did not just gave up his principles. This is capitulation.

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Somewhere there is an article on whether the news should be a profit making business that I read recently. This absolutely proves profit and a free press, necessary for an informed electorate in a democracy, should not be in the same sentence together. I don't know what the solution is, but this sucks.

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Happy to see a very happy mom who knew her grumpy daughter would become great one day. Best wishes.

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Nice photo of you and your Mom! I feel a bit old since I graduated high school in 1975 : ) Happy Mother’s Day to both of you!!!

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It felt like 2016 all over again and it better not become that. The audience laughing at E Jean Carroll in this town hall shows they are neanderthals but they are in good company in Alito who gutted R v W, Thomas and Kavanaugh alleged to have abused women and the woman there as the quintessential handmaiden and if SCOTUS, the most august body of arbiters of truth and justice in the land has become corrupt and misogynistic, these peasants laughing at a wronged woman with the perpetrator-in-chief, is that a surprise? The Rs were never friends of women but there is a certain type, more insidious, emerging consistently in this version of R party everywhere, state after state for these men (and women).

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The more I think about who trump followers are, the conclusion I reach is that they were not smart enough or unwilling to compete and get into the skilled worker and knowledge sector of employment at the same time too proud to do the menial jobs. So immigration was the answer for the better part of last several decades which brought more diverse population into the mix (especially for the knowledge workers emigrating by choice, it was mostly the cream of the crop from certain countries). Now these trump voters want their feudal lord dues. They will burn down the country that these other people helped to build if they don't get it. Note also the conflict between American view of education versus these recent immigrant population's view of education. They still want to 'strike rich while dropping out of college' and enjoy other home court advantages but not compete or do the hard work. The younger trump supporters appear to embody this world view.

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"They will burn down the country that these other people helped to build if they don't get it." Really well put! They're leeches.

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Germany in the 90s or soon after started an immigration program to get tech workers offering them permanent residence etc. But not many took them up on it because there was no path to citizenship and offer to become regular citizens. America with its 'we are all immigrants' notion had a good immigration policy that was more attractive. Newer immigrants here in general appreciate more what this country is (was?) and mourn more what it is becoming.

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Spot on commentary Asha. It’s looking like deja vu all over again this election cycle. And happy Mother’s Day to you and your mama. Thanks for sharing the adorable picture of you both. It’s obvious from the look on your mom’s face how much she loves you and how happy she was in that photograph.

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Enneagram, eh? Never heard of it but will be interested to read up on it a bit and see how it compares to the Myers Briggs Type Inventory (which I worked through a couple of times in my corporate life, several years apart, getting the same outcome each time).

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Anderson Cooper's critique is flat. Come out of my silo to...hear trump say the same old sh*t in front of an audience instructed not to boo while he steamrolls over a criminally inadequate journalist? What does Anderson imagine is the value in that? For me or the country?

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Really well said.

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Anderson Milquetoast.

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The Big Lie seems to me a great opportunity to challenge Trump on how terrible he is at hiring people. Especially lawyers. He says he won the 2020 election? How was he unable to find any lawyer capable of offering proof of it, which he says he has. How is it that he couldn’t find a lawyer to prove his claim that his abuse of E Jean Carroll never happened? Mr. Trump, why are you so terrible at hiring capable people?

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Why did Collins NOT ask this question? When he said he didn't think Pence was in any danger, why didn't she ask, "Why is that, Mr. Trump?" Cause this is an infotainment network and they need whoever gives them the most entertainment. If they ask such pertinent questions, they don't get the interview.

I only watch CNN when there is breaking news. I'm cancelling my cable subscription, Mr. Licht.

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