Jun 22Liked by Asha Rangappa

I’m looking forward to when pre-orders open for David Pepper’s new book. He’s a fellow Ohioan and a fabulous writer. His novels are the sorts you don’t want to put down until you finish them.

As to the week ahead, I have a feeling the immunities opinion will be held until Friday. Why? The first presidential debate is Thursday night. It would be too juicy of a point to beat each other over the head with if it were out there before the debate. Regardless of the opinion’s holding there would be plenty for Biden to beat on Trump with. Taunting Trump over not being the guilt-free potentate he thought was is one line of attack if the Supreme Court agrees with the DC Circuit. If the Supreme Court says that there is immunity Biden could keep taunting Trump over what Trump would like drawn on the Hellfire missiles for when Biden is supposedly supposed to drone-strike Trump.

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Thanks for the Ocean City picture, Asha. Many fond memories of the Jersey Shore. And I watched you and Renato yesterday for your always insightful discussion. I do hope Jack Smith is not ousted by the very loose Cannon.

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Interesting commentary on the Supreme Court silence regarding Presidential Immunity. I had heard George Conway speak on CNN regarding this matter, and God bless him, George often can provide a hopeful outlook, but one has to temper their emotions about anything that happens anymore (like the Trump conviction that seems to have turbo boosted is fundraising effort.) George Conway's commentary was that he was not pleased that the court decided to hear the Presidential Immunity case, but did not perceive the court to be "slow walking" it, merely making sure that they get all the details right before they make their decision. His take is that they will not agree with Trump, and that he will go to trial in September / October. If that is the situation (and I am not going to take just one person's perspective certainly on this), it would mean a decision before the election. I don't know how Conway thinks this will put the trial on track for a decision before November. He looks pretty damn guilty from all reasonable and sane accounts (except those with alternative "facts"), but of course he would weaponize a conviction. I have little doubt now that not only is Cannon slow-walking the case hoping to dismiss it entirely, but I really think she has been promised a Supreme Court nomination for her efforts. Republicans as a whole have just gotten so unladylike / ungentlemanly with no scruples or decency whatsoever. The more historical items that I read about them and relate to the current situation, the more I regret have any support or confidence in them whatsoever as it led to where we are now in a power grab attempt. This is a VERY BAD trajectory. I can't see any other positive outcome than a Biden win plus Democratic Control of Congress and Senate to accomplish the goals that will get the country moving forward full steam (at least economically without Republican wrench-in-the-works tactics), and with that prosperity plus really reaching everyone on how good most of us really do have it (especially compared to much of the rest of the world). Glad you had some escape, Asha. The brain needs a pleasant respite from the madness of today.

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Arghhh! When a total takeover of the judicial system by a wannabe dictator occurs, a full out civil war is and has been repeatedly predicted. When tyranny reigns, the niceness of civilized people wanes… and the pent up anger at the bullies is unleashed. The underdogs will be unleashed, and they outnumber the greedy, money hungry privileged. Just remember… there are many who want and need to hold onto a civilized society.

DO NOT DESPAIR. Repeatedly in history the megalomaniacs eventually lose. There are just too many nice reasonable, calm, caring, loving human beings in this world who value a civilized humanity for those bastards to overcome.

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Look into Judge Cannon’s husband and his Trump connections.

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Trump is being protected by his lackeys on the federal bench, who have been exposed as a bunch of bribe-taking political hacks that know an authoritarian hierarchy is not best for America, but is certainly best for their own personal enrichment.

I am not nearly so angered by the crickets from the SCOTUS, which was to be expected, as I am the crickets from Do-Nothing Dick Durbin and the Senate Judiciary Committee which clearly has no intention of doing anything about any of this when they should have begun impeachment proceedings the moment Thomas' undisclosed "gifts" became public. It's clear that if the conservative majority ruled that women can again be burned alive in the public square for witchcraft the most we could expect from Durbin and his spineless colleagues in the Senate is a scolding thread post or two. It appears our democracy has no allies on either side of the aisle, at least none willing to do anything but wag their fingers, which means nowhere for the people to take their anger and frustration except to the streets, and that could be a bigger problem that anyone is anticipating.

Finally who's taking bets that after announcing they're sending the immunity issue back to the lower court for further "analysis" the entire SCOTUS majority vacations out of the country on Harlan Crow's dime? I mean, why wouldn't they? Clearly no one is going to do a damn thing about it if they do.

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Just going with the hypothetical scenario whereby Cannon rules Smith's appt unconstitutional, and assuming the defendant doesn't win re-election and timing is no longer critical, what options are there to continuing the investigation and prosecution of the defendant?

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