Apr 19, 2023Liked by Asha Rangappa

Having worked in the NYO, you of all people have been aware from the start of the breadth of the investigation concerning TFG and his accomplices. I was involved in major cases stemming from administrative aspects of RESMURS in 1975 when in Albuquerque and as an SSA for PENTBOM, with many other cases in between - Pitts, Hansen, TWA 800, etc. The scope of DOJs investigation regarding the previous administration is massively - exponentially - more complex. It appears to have been moving steadily along for the years cases of this magnitude warrant, and it must be done right. Some pundits - notably some former SDNY AUSAs - have been whining about the fact that Trump should have been indicted for obstruction on Day 1 of the Biden Administration - and if they got a hung jury, then what? People outside law enforcement are simply used to watching cases play out in television dramas - one hour, including commercials. They really need to chill out.

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I think that stealing & withholding classified documents is part of a larger pattern that started earlier than your timeline. Fred Trump made millions off of housing subsidies from federal & state governments. Father & son used their subsidized housing to discriminate against POC, the very people who are supposed to benefit from housing of this kind. Screwing the government & profiting from government tax abatements & grant $ is the OG pattern of the Trump family. Seen this way, Trump viewed government property as his own particularly since his installation as POTUS. Iā€™m afraid that what we know merely scratches the surface of the Trump Crime Syndicate. The new pattern is using his followers as a cult movement through undue influence campaigns, aided by Fox & the right wing movement that infiltrated all three branches of the federal government along with state legislatures, election officials, sheriffs & police departments. Trump himself is a sociopath & fits in with other cult leaders who commit financial crimes & sex trafficking. Koresh, Moon, Raniere all had sexual relations with minors. This is likely true of Trump as well given his relationship with Jeffrey Epstein, his fame & his inflated sense of self. Every relationship is transactional & he has no capacity for empathy. Trump is perhaps the most prolific criminal of the modern era.

One of the things we need to do is to finally put laws pertaining to cult activity on the books. Their pattern is as predictable as Trump is. Fox is not a news outlet or a normal cable channel. It is a PsyOp that drills into their viewerā€™sā€™ amygdala the same way that Trump does and that the GOP uses now as well.

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Apr 19, 2023Liked by Asha Rangappa

Combining the skills of a criminal personality profiler, an investigative journalist, a political analyst, Asha lays bare in an clear, concise, irrefutable way, the mind of the highest profile white collar criminal of our times.

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It would appear that that list of (33) pardons would be a group very beholden to Trump, and also for future dark money sources.

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Well done! Criminal intent writ large. He will never, ever change.

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Apr 21, 2023Liked by Asha Rangappa

Asha, I would like to see a piece that compares the extent and rationales behind Trump pardons to all other presidents' pardons. So when I share this list with MAGA types, they can't say, "Oh they all do it."

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Great piece! But keep in mind every accusation is projection and a confession all wrapped as one. Trumpā€™s psychology is not difficult. About money, fame (infamy if you prefer), power, but most of all winning. To gain these laws are for suckers and to be used as a weapon against all enemies, perceived or real. Gaslighting, lying and misinformation are the go to tools. But lest we forget, from the whom did he learn all this? Sure his father and entire lineage of grifters. But most emphatically, Roy Cohn, the very same who worked with, encouraged, and defended that psychotic alcoholic Joseph McCarthy. Of course the bittersweet irony in all this is Trump had an affinity for the Soviets and Russians. Like McCarthy, Trump craves attention and the spotlight, Loves the power, loves to intimidate. The ā€œagendaā€ was just a pretense for all the insecure, malignant narcissism that needed feeding. Both become unglued when faced with adversaries that are not afraid and do not back down.

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Minor errors my copy editor brain noticed:

Allen Weisselberg

National Enquirer

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Brava Asha!! Quite the trip down memory lane. Great analytical approach. Trumpā€™s fact patterns point to future crimes. I think we have only begun to scratch the surface and yet see all the criminality. Huge volume of crime from just scratching the surface. Trump should be arrested and tried ASAP! He wonā€™t last through a trial. We see his desperation just with daily news mentioning him. We all should stay disciplined looking at patterns of behavior and would love it if just once, just once in our 247 year history as a nation, we could lock trump up pre any conviction, or neutralize his ability to influence others, I know all the civil liberties issues, but we have to maintain the integrity of America as he attempts to destroy it across multiple domains. Shortcut. I know. But we need it Whole other discussion. Carry on. Stay strong!! When D.A. Bragg lodged a lawsuit against jim Jordan it was refreshing. We donā€™t need to ā€œgo to the mattressesā€ nor ā€œsmoke cigarettesā€ faced with our nationā€™s challenges. Iā€™ve lived long enough to witness other dark times in USA and yet here we are. One foot in front of the other. Doggedly pursuing truth and applying Justice. We can do this. We are doing this.

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Trump first officially ran for President in 2000, and unofficially considered it again in 2004. That is likely what brought his egotistical political aspirations to the attention of Putin and the Russian mob. Though they knew about Trump long before that date as a corrupt real estate criminal who helped them launder money stolen from Russia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_career_of_Donald_Trump


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When you talk about Trump's financial crimes; I am wondering what happened to several other investigations; into campaign money that disappeared into a company set up by Jared; and into his inaugural committee. I thought there were ongoing investigations into these matters, but I never hear anything about them.

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Mindhunter > Roundup

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Call it out first I meant

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Trump is such a crook, he canā€™t fathom any other way, itā€™s all about the compulsion to dominate and take.

And the accusations are always of confession, technique learned early from Roy Cohn I guess, call the, put first, that way no one knows who to believe.

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Thank you. Excellent analysis. Immensely appreciated. Trump also evidences a type of pattern of omission: Trump narcissistically brags about most of the crimes Trump has committed, and falsely accuses others of committing violations Trump has committed - except for those Trump is most afraid of being known for committing, such as sexual abuse of minors. In those cases, Trump also evidences another type of pattern , a sort of psychopathic comorbid pattern - and habitually uses othersā€™ disinformation campaigns to falsely accuse rivals of committing violations Trump has committed, such as sexually abusing minors (ie. the QAnon campaign promoted by disinformation terrorists such as Marjorie Taylor Greene and Alex Jones), but is afraid to falsely accuse rivals of directly.

Trump seems to experience a psychopathic compulsion to malign and falsely accuse rivals of committing violations Trump has committed, and the pattern of omission comorbid with the pattern of using others to disseminate disinformation, is most obvious about what Trump DOESNā€™T directly slander and gaslight rivals about, or even talk about publicly much at all - sexual abuse of minors - which is the crux of the QAnon campaign which drove some to violence at the Capitol, coupled with the Big Lie campaign. Trumpā€™s psychopathic compulsion to slander rivals seems marginally curbed by Trumpā€™s paranoia of being known as a pedophile.

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At the time of his administration when so much of Trump financial crimes were being outed by the media Trump was good at tossing out stink bombs to distract the public. This serves as a nice list to refresh all our memories that it was not insignificant what Trump did to dupe the American public and our legal system. There are not enough years left in the mans life to pay penance for his wrongdoing. Trump is a loser at so many things when the light is shined through the smoke and mirrors but he is a master at being a criminal fraud.

All the fund raising post election is the part that really rankled me. Rich as well as poor schlups gave money to a guy who told them he was a billionaire. I don't feel sorry for them since that is their choice. I want to know what the money was used for.

It will be interesting to find out how much the kids participated in this. Donny Jr really doesn't feel like he has the mental stability to be an expert fraudster but Ivanka and Eric may have dad's crime gene.

The summary of all the pardons isn't that much of a stretch to believe. They were mostly rich white guys. Remember when he made a big deal with Kardashian about commuting Alice Johnson's sentence and then used her as a photo op for a surprise pardon? Is there nothing genuine about Trump in his life?

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