Jun 7Liked by Asha Rangappa

Kryptonite as well for alter-ego "Stuporman". An interesting explanation regarding the supergroup concept. Peer pressure and the sense of belonging can obviously play a major role in beliefs, but people solely interested in facts can get to the truth faster and more often. The unanimous verdict on all counts, and even more so the speed in which a verdict was decided was what really shocked me. That told me that there wasn't much doubt after hearing all the evidence.

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Trump isn't a convicted Felon because of "the Left".

A District Attorney for NY actually pursued a credible case against him, both sides got to make their case and a jury of Trump's peers decided that he was guilty.

The legal system worked as it should.

Trump talks about jailing opponents. No implications of a fair trial. This case was brought by the people of NY on behalf of the people of NY and a grateful nation. Trump is a felon. Period. Not fit for office.

I love this anti-Trump 2024 mug 👇 So funny!🤣


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I'd take comfort from the fact that one DA, one judge and one jury did their duty and achieved a correct verdict, except that judges in Florida and Georgia are actively blocking criminal proceedings against Trump, a state supreme court in Kansas just concluded citizens have no right to vote, and one SCOTUS judge, Clarence Thomas, has gotten away with accepting millions of dollars worth of "gifts" with no consequences in sight.

I expect the sentencing hearing for Trump in New York to result in probation and a monetary penalty for which Trump was fundraising ten seconds after the verdict was announced. The decades-long effort to corrupt the courts by Dominionist religious radicals and the fascism-curious oligarchs funding the Federalist Society, Heritage Foundation, etc., is clearly a fait accompli, and if anyone is expecting Senate Judiciary Chairman Dick Durbin to do anything about any of this, other than Threads posts, they don't know Dick Durbin, whose is an idiot full of sound and fury, signifying nothing resembling action.

I personally don't know anyone who still believes our criminal justice system is intended to do anything other than keep the peasants in their place. I now look at the diploma for a B.S. in "Administration of Justice" hanging on my office wall with wonder and awe that I was ever so naive as to believe it was a real thing.

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Hey, Ron. Hard to “like” your post because I need to stay a bit more positive. But you’re not wrong to cite the dark forces pulling the orange puppet’s strings. So I’ll hit the little heart in appreciation for your exposing some truths.

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I thought about all this as might apply to the Hunter Biden trial. It seems like the same dynamics that you discussed here might exist in Biden’s trial….but it seems like pre-existing opinions and passions would be significantly less intense than they would be for jurors in the Trump trial. So any directional motivations in Hunter Biden’s trial would seem to be more muted. If so, it seems more likely that jury deliberations are more likely to be fact and evidence based. Trump’s jury seemed up to the challenge as their unanimity underscores. I would expect (or at least hope) that Hunter Biden’s jury should be able to meet the same standard.

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You were right!

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Jun 9Liked by Asha Rangappa

A relaxing cup of coffee on a bright sunny day in the PNW with Asha and the Freedom Academy. It doesn't get much better than this. A very optimistic read too! A quibble: I fear that many of those supporting TFG (now The Felon Guy) do so because they believe they are the defenders of the civic values you mention. How often do I hear Trump or one of his surrogates claiming this is the final election to save democracy? How many J6ers thought they were the 'true patriots'? Is there a way to break through that cognitive dissonance?

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Very well put, Asha. I hope to watch that whole movie after the clip (I can’t believe I’ve never seen it actually since it’s from my era or shortly before). Anyway, I started my morning with you and Renato. Thank you for sorting out the complications.

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12 Angry Men and the Pawnbroker are classics. Thanks for this!

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In terms of the appeal to homeless Republicans and even some supposedly lost cause maga(I refuse to capitalize it 🤣) I think Democrats need to hammer women's reproductive freedom, Medicare and social security. I think a lot of those Republicans zone out when talking about Christo- fascism or the choice between democracy and authoritarianism it's too esoteric for a lot of people. The policies above apply to a huge number of Republicans. Trump's platform is just not popular and those are very concrete things that people absolutely don't want to lose!

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My one conservative friend is a homeless Republican but he cannot vote for Biden. He believes he's equally bad as Trump. He's been listening to right-wing talk radio for decades, and still does. He may not be pro-Trump, bur he's been brainwashed into the Dems are evil. Has anyone seen any cogent response to this Biden is equally bad?

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Find out or maybe you already know where his interests lie. Does he have a daughter who could become pregnant? Is he receiving Medicare? Did he have a parent that received Medicare? Is he looking forward to his social security? The bottom line is if he votes Republican these things are all going away. that's not hyperbole. Anyway this is my strategy and how I'm trying to simplify things. Sometimes I'll say yeah I'm a big socialist all I want is low cost education and healthcare. Pretty much that's it. oh and NATO!

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He's already receiving Medicare and Social Security. There's no way that goes away for current seniors because we vote!

Only has one child, a son, whose not planning on reproducing. He's very big on NATO and support for Israel. It's the Progressive Dems who are anti-Israel, so I'm sure he includes that in what a Democratic president will bring, especially if he's disabled or dies in office and we get KAMALA HARRIS - oh no! She'll give the Progs everything they want.

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I hear you! It becomes this unwinnable back and forth. I had a friend railing today how Biden hated Israel and he held up the arms. I said not entirely! Also there was an article about how the US intelligence helped save the hostages today. Of course Trump would have taken credit for that. So I would say look at what Biden did for Israel today. Also I will mention to folks that who was in charge of security on October 7th. That was netanyahu's responsibility and he blew it. Also it's very well known that Netanyahu enabled Hamas. So it's the right wing that is bad for Israel! The right wing has been in charge for a dozen years and look how they've blown it completely! And then I'd say well be careful what you wish for it keep the right wing and live with the consequences!

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Yeah, he sees Netenyahu's bad.

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Even a clock is right once a day…..

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Personally, I have no problem ignoring those I consider either morally reprehensible or just simply ignorant. What scares me is when I hear things that I inherently know are appealing to my own personal bias. This is why I watch none of the so-called "news" channels. I seek information from individuals I believe have a formal intelligence and a good recollection of what they read or studied of the history of civilizations. Trump is not the first disgusting president we have ever had!

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MLK wrote a book titled “Where do we go from here? Chaos or Community?” The question the title poses captures the dilemma of the moment. Trump is the personification that chaos, from his addled mind, to his MAGA vision of America’s future.

I believe most Americans prefer domestic tranquility to vengeance and the violence Trump promises. Whatever grievances he harvests to fuel his agenda, can only be resolved through an orderly process, otherwise the future will be one of reprisals and retribution.

At the moment, only one party seems to be willing to engage in such a process. The choice between Tump and Biden is indeed—chaos or community?

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