You have lived up to your name, my dear. I’m weeping tears of JOY at your words and also the history lesson with the movie trailer. Great way to start my day fighting to save DEMOCRACY. We are not going back!

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Asha captures the zeitgeist shift in perspective on the Trump campaign observing that: "instead of feeling dreadful and scary, seemed silly and dumb and…WEIRD."

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Aug 15Liked by Asha Rangappa

So entirely on the mark! I feel so energized with HOPE since Harris and Walz arrived!

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Aug 15Liked by Asha Rangappa

On the one side we have fear and hate. On the other side is the chance for something better. Hope.

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Aug 16Liked by Asha Rangappa

I love the idea of "hope and awe" - I think Biden's selflessness in making his incredible decision put the initial 'hopebomb" into the air, and our gratitude had a touch of awe in it, maybe still does. The unforced urgency that led us to coalesce around Kamala so quickly flipped us from awe into momentum! I've never felt anything like it- it felt like a big answer to my prayers, and I won't stop.

And I *really* love the March for Joy- just sayin!!

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Aug 15Liked by Asha Rangappa

Hope and Awe sounds like a wonderful approach for the future. Let’s all work toward this.

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Aug 15Liked by Asha Rangappa

Beautifully written. You are probably aware that the US helped overthrow Allende. If you haven't seen it you should look up the ITT papers. It was at the insistence of ITT that Henry Kissinger pushed to overthrow the government.

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Yes. Not the CIA's finest hour.

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Aug 15Liked by Asha Rangappa

Beautifully put. As always, breaking a concept down to its rudimentary parts, and illuminating it in a very comprehensible way. Say yes to "NO"!

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Aug 16Liked by Asha Rangappa

Such a well stated hopeful message. That NO preview looks great.

The right is already prepared more than 2020 to challenge or not certify in certain districts/counties/states. Think trump even said recently more important than the number of votes is the vote counters. Be prepared.


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Aug 15Liked by Asha Rangappa

I have been thinking that if Trump mounts a serious challenge to an apparent Harris win, a mass mobilization will be necessary. This NO campaign may offer a template.

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Aug 15Liked by Asha Rangappa

Positivity and balance is the answer. People want that. People are sick of fighting and sick of divisive garbage. I said in 2020 that Trump would never see office again because he lost the moderates. He doesn't know how to be balanced.

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I had to look at my calendar. Three and a half weeks ago had me teaching summer school. I’ve got “fall forum” in a couple hours today since fall classes start Monday. I’m busy enough as a community college instructor that dates do kinda merge on me.

I am very hopeful that the momentum continues and we get to a good place with the election results. Mr. Trump has been having some spectacular meltdowns over the past few days. My state’s junior senator is still a dirtbag poser. Living in a town with so many Trump cultists is very difficult as my family and I see how utterly ridiculous the GOP campaign is yet we’re still encountering people who think Mr. Trump is God’s chosen instrument.

I am hopeful but am still trying to maintain preparedness for negative outcomes.

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“Creeptastic”…. not a word I’m familiar with but seems not just appropriate but a sign of the times.

Your musings about possible relocation hit a nerve with me. I’ve been semi-seriously thinking about Plan B’s for awhile. High on my list are Thailand and Scandanavia. I’ve long hoped that with the abject failure of Constitutionally specified remedies (Impeachment and Conviction) our only remaining hope is prosecution for violation of legal statutes. Alas, it seems unlikely these will lead to resolution before the election. So it appears the Constitution and the Law met its match in Trump. I don’t believe that it’s because Trump is crazy smart… but it does seem he was savvy enough to populate SCOTUS with malleable justices…. and as such seems to own the Court. When Madison wrote about factions in Federalist 10 I don’t think he ever expected a Trump would make it this far…. for all the wisdom of the Founders their best laid plans appear to be inadequate.

Maybe voters will be sufficiently wise to vote for Freedom. If not it could be game over. I’m a believer in planning ahead for possible setbacks…. hence Plan B.

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I have a greater sense of hope for our country over the past month as well, however the future hopes for me, are a return to Costa Rica! Sla’inte!!

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It's kinda funny how the whole assassination attempt has almost been forgotten. Can you imagine how horrible it would have been if indeed the gunman was successful? I think that would have been the worst possible outcome. I really feel good about Nov now, and like you, I feel hopeful. It all seems like magic how all of the pieces fell together perfectly. I almost can't believe it. I am trying to be prepared for something to go wrong as is my nature. I would have voted for Kamala back in 2020, so now I am pleased to do so in 2024. We might just survive this!

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Everyone saw through their little publicity stunt. I still believe they hired the guy.

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As an aside Asha, do you have any thoughts on how Venezuela might emerge back into democracy?

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