When I learned about slavery, Jim Crow and the Civil Rights Movement (granted these were whitewashed versions), I didn’t become ashamed to be white. I thought, “Oh wow--white people in power can do some really heinous things.” I don’t know what percentage of history deniers think THAT’s what children have to be “protected” from, but it’s not zero.

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On a recent visit to Charleston we retained a guide to show us the city. He never showed us nor mentioned the old slave market building which is now a museum. He never showed us the site from which Robert Smalls took over a confederate ship and sailed it, along with 16 other slaves, to the Union stronghold of Fort Sumter. Even in the otherwise liberal city of Charleston,the myth of the Lost Cause still exists for some of it’s citizens.

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Wow Asha! Thank you for this very insightful piece. You really did your research well. The videos of how the mic was cut during Col Kempter’s speech (highlighting what was trying to be censored) and David Peppers whiteboard explanation of how intentional disinformation tactics are being repeatedly and continuously used to foment divisiveness really brought it home for me. Whether it’s Russian based disinformation or our home grown variety your article shows that this is not theoretical stuff. It is real and continues to this day and we need people like you to help more and more of us Americans to realize we must be vigilant to spot this disinformation and call it out. And thank you for introducing me to the Grimke sisters as an example of a bright spot in a dark period. Thank you Asha! Barbara

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Growing up in the 1960s, I was taught about racism, slavery, Japanese internment, mistreatment of American Indians and other atrocities as a nation. These were shameful times for America but I believe we have come a long way. I’d rather be called “woke” than be part of the white supremacist Trump/DeSantis/MTG sect trying to “whitewash” American history and teach our youth ignorance.

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I’ve been waiting for SOME media entity to make the connection between the war on wokeness and the UDC’s identical campaign almost exactly 100 years ago.

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Another well written piece that everyone should read. Was just watching this great discussion on teaching history and civics on cspan3. Seems they are showing several programs today about teaching history.


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I just recently "found" The Freedom Academy. This is article is excellent.

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Brilliant explanation. Asha! All we are talking about is history. A history that has been purposefully shoved aside for a replacement narrative that has no basis in fact or events. While the moment is about this country’s race relations, it could be said about women’s rights, the labor movement, trust busting, treatment of native Americans (genocide is an appropriate description). And again, what is happening? Women’s rights are under attack again. We have allowed economic concentration and market power not seen since the time prior to Teddy Roosevelt. Environmental policy is under attack by the right.

I recommend to anybody the excellent survey by the late Professor Howard Zinn, A People’s History of the United States. But that too would be banned in many states.

What most do not know is how the lost cause narrative caused a backlash not just in the south with Jim Crow, but also similar policies in then north in the form of institutional discrimination. In the 1920’s, the KKK literally ran Indiana state government. Wisconsin has become a stronghold of old south and neo Nazi groups, Michigan has not been far behind.

But no, we cannot talk about that. Just like we do not talk about Southerners who fought for the Union! Or Northerners who fought for the Confederacy. It does not fit our fictional narrative.

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Wonderful example of reflexive control! As to the 'erasure of history', I fear how self-censorship will enter education. I'm now retired, but am hearing from former colleagues how they don't want to teach X because of the 'trouble' they could get in. Most recent example: ongoing threats to democracy in our country because pointing out who was behind the insurrection, who is trying to suppress the vote, how states have gerrymandered themselves to a virtually guaranteed majority of 1 party, etc. can be viewed as 'biased'. And if they do present 'both sides' they can't point out techniques such as Asha commented on in this article to obfuscate the issue.

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Asha - truly appreciate your voice being public - you are gifted in this domain, perhaps not as gifted as you are with a steam mop, but close. Quips aside, I'd like to bring up a work that you may not be familiar with: Silencing the Past: Power and the Production of History by Michel-Rolph Trouillot. His framework of historical production, from the curation of archives to the story told, is masterfully rendered. Recommended read during your copious spare time.

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Thank you!

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Asha, thank you so much for arguing how you think Rufo perpetuates the Lost Cause narrative. It is an argument worth engaging with and responding to to propel this conversation. Out of so many responses I had to this article, I wanted to ask you (all) this question: if it's true that the systemic premise of CRT "actually takes individuals off the hook for being personally racist" as you posited, then why might white people (and minorities it turns out) still feel discomfort with diversity trainings, materials, conclusions, etc.? Chalk it up to the 'bad' trainings or do all the trainings evoke that discomfort? I appreciate your posts and look forward to reading your and others' answers.


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Wow Asha - thank you for that thoughtful and balanced article. I will do my best to recall some of the salient points you make. To me, CRT has just seemed a “marker” for extremists to use to rally for white supremacy.

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Thank you! That was extremely enlightening.

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Really great, Asha! 👍

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A country that denies its past will be denied a future......

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Bullies and Mean Girls. Win at all costs. I don't find Tucker Carlson, and Donny T., nor MTG or Ms. Boebert to be the epitome of manliness or womanliness. They are just bullies. Maybe they were bullied as young "weirdos," and the lesson they learned was "hit first and hit fast," but they never grew up. They've got the ball (or gun) or opportunity, and anybody else ain't takin' it from them, and they ain't sharin' neither. And with that comes the adolescent joy of causing pain to others simply because they can. This apparently describes their supporters, too. The only threat is in their twisted dreams, and the pain they cause extends beyond their victims to their minions. But, by all means, let's not affect their delicate sensibilities with an education. Bless their hearts.

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